Encuentre a BRS Relocation en Madrid

Encuentre a BRS Relocation en Madrid

¿Es usted una empresa o un expatriado y desea instalarse en España? Le invitamos a conocer al equipo de BRS Mobility en el INTERNATIONAL HR MEETING que se celebrará en Madrid el martes 14 de febrero de 2023 en el Hotel Rafael Atocha. Estaremos encantados de responder...
Global Relocation Trends

Global Relocation Trends

Cartus releases survey report about tracking global relocation trends. Cartus conducted a research among 205 mobility managers around the world, representing multinational companies with more than nine million employees globally. With this survey, Cartus analyzes the...
Our Christmas Party

Our Christmas Party

This week BRS celebrated christmas in the Barcelona and Madrid office with our precious consultants, clients and relations in the field. We want to thank everyone for coming to our event and we want to wish everyone happy holidays! If you click on the authors name of...